Health Safety Consultants Lincoln

Health Safety Consultants Lincoln

Are you the owner, manager or responsible person at your company and have concerns about your health and safety legal duties?

Would you like to be sure that you are covered and have everything in place as required by health and safety law?

If the Health and Safety Executive visited your place of work for an inspection would you like to be confident that everything is in order so you could pass without any issues?

If the answer is yes to any of the above then welcome to the last Health & Safety site you need to visit… Place your order now and we’ll get started now

Click on the pack that suits you and you will have the stated tailored solution that will get you on track to help ensure you are on your way to be legal and compliant

Recommended minimum for companies employing less than 5 people who do not have a nominated competent person!

  1. Health & Safety Policy Statement
  2. Risk Assessments Template Pack
  3. Professional Health Safety Expert Support
  4. Competent Person Certificate

Recommended minimum for companies employing more than 5 people who do not have a nominated competent person!

  1. Full Tailored Health & Safety Policy Documentation
  2. Health Safety Arrangements & Documents Industry Specific Folders
  3. Risk Assessments Template Pack
  4. Professional Health Safety Expert Support
  5. Competent Person Certificate

With Safety Expert’s easy-to-use online service, you can get bespoke, affordable H&S documentation in minutes – saving you both time and money.

Health Safety Consultants Lincoln
Be compliant in the next few minutes!

[Start Your Order Now]

Achieve peace of mind with H&S compliance, all in just a few clicks. Place your order now and we’ll get started.

We can;

  • Get expert advice from our Health Safety Consultants Lincoln
  • Ensure all documentation and procedures are up to date and compliant
  • Supply you with anything missing or even set you up from scratch
  • Inspect your premises and work-sites then produce a full report to highlight any issues
  • Help you gain health and safety accreditation like CHAS, Safecontractor and similar
  • Act as your legally compliant competent person
  • Risk assess your activities, staff and operation
  • Provide emergency guidance, advice and assistance
  • We can even lower costs and help you gain more clients and contracts

Health and Safety Consultants in Lincoln

Outsource Health and Safety in Lincoln
Outsource Health and Safety in Lincoln

The above are just the most common services that we get thanked and complimented on the most by our clients because we always go the extra mile with issues like filling out sub-contract questionnaires, help with employee complaints and advice on topics to include in your health and safety meetings.

We have run the numbers for many of our clients and found their savings to be 45% to 80% of what it would cost to employ (or dedicate) a member of staff to keep up to date with company health and safety.

You can contact us now and we will be happy to make a start immediately to ensure you are fully compliant simply because you outsourced your health and safety.

The smart businesses save money and have peace of mind because they use us!

You can too..

We have dedicated consultants to Outsource Health and Safety in Lincoln  and other areas!

Please also have a look at our new Health & Safety Documentation Creation Service Here

With Safety Expert’s easy-to-use online service, you can get bespoke, affordable H&S documentation in minutes – saving you both time and money.

Health Safety Consultants Lincoln
Be compliant in the next few minutes!

[Start Your Order Now]

Achieve peace of mind with H&S compliance, all in just a few clicks. Place your order now and we’ll get started.

Health Safety Consultants Lincoln